Friday, August 19, 2011

Burning The Candle... both ends. That's what I feel like I've been doing.

For that past three weeks I've worked two jobs. Something I've never done before.

I worked 7:30a to 4:00p at the Nebraska State Peneteniary (NSP) and also at the Lincoln Correctional Center (LCC) as a temp.

I also kept my full time job as a cleaning lady (sigh..) and dropped those hours from full time down to part time to accomodate the temporary fulltime job. Tonight, I'll be going back full time to the night job.

I didn't think 60 hours a week would be so bad, but it was (half smiling to self). Thank goodness I had a good friend who was willing to give me a "wake up call" every morning at 5:00a.

That call was the only thing that stood between my sleeping through the alarm, and not. So, thank you to that friend. They saved my job.

Meanwhile, I continue my hunt for a permanent full time job that will pay the bills. So, while I can exhale from not having two jobs at the moment, the possibility of that happening again in the near future is very possible.

I continue to try to get on with the State; I applied for three more open positions with them today. I also am watching the listings for the hospitals in town. Maybe I can get my foot in the door with one of them.

At any rate, I seem to be doing things and surviving situations that I would have never thought possible even a few months ago. But somehow, I am doing it.

I know it's not just by the force of my own will; I'm not strong enough nor am I arrogant enough to believe that.

I know there's something bigger keeping me going; making me do things I didn't think I could do; helping me survive situations I didn't think I could survive.

And so, to that force, I say thank you, as well. I know that you exist and that you see everything. Up to and including what people write on the internet.

Thank you, God. I love you.

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