Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Thunder and Lightening

There's a storm tonight. A thunder storm. I could hear it from inside the house.
I stepped outside on the front porch to hear the thunder better and was greeted with the most amazing light show.
And we have a thunder storm. And a tornado watch. In late February. Here. In Nebraska. Not too surprising for us. The weather has always had a mind of its own here.
I stood on the porch and enjoyed the storm. And missed someone to share it with. I haven't met too many people in this world who really love a good thunder storm. And I miss the one who used to enjoy them with me.
I miss a lot of things. But mostly, its the little things I miss the most. Watching storms together and feeling the goose bumps when the lightening would flash and the thunder would roar. Holding each other and smiling.
Beautiful storm. Beautiful night. Makes me happy but makes me sad. Something important to me is missing.
Yea. I miss that.

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