Thursday, January 12, 2012

Human Touch

The power of human touch is just amazing.
It can give hope; it can heal; it can give comfort and connection; it can save a life.

Infants denied of touch become withdrawn, weak, and fail to thrive--the name of an actual medical condition: failure to thrive. Does the same hold true throughout life?

We have our children, we hold our grandchildren. We hold a parents' hand. We have friends, we have company. These are all things that are sometimes taken for granted. Some people have none of these. What happens to them?

The power of just a hug, a touch, can be like food to someone who is starving. Its something we don't usually think about. The same holds true for conversation, being close to someone, a friend. Connection with another human being. We are not built to be alone. We are social animals.

At some point logic and reason of circumstances are overtaken by isolation and withdrawal when the latter becomes a way of life.

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