Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday Thoughts

It's been one hell of a weekend.
I woke up a little tired this morning, but no more than usual. I've had a lot to think about in the past few days.

Friday, I got the call that they've laid us all off at a job I've only had for three months. So here I am, unemployed again, and looking for work in a town that has none. Back in the same boat.
I'd be lying to you if I said that didn't bother me a little. Or a lot.

Then, I spend the weekend dealing with some born-again nut job who decided to start writing to me at my personal email address.

He continued to poke fun at my blog "To Pray" and kept saying how he was going "through" his wife having brain cancer and he'd have to pray a lot to go "through" this.
Each time, putting quotes around the word "through" because I used that word a lot in my blog.
Insinuating that I had things to go "through", myself.
Really? Ya think??

It took a lot to not write back in his own language and ask him if maybe his wife's cancer wasn't the Lord testing him to see how he'd act in the valley when things weren't going so good as opposed to standing on the mountaintop when things were great.
But I didn't. I just banned him from my blog.
Poor devil. He must really be going through some crap right now to lash out at me like that. Anyway...

I decided that this Sunday was as good as any other Sunday, so I wrote myself a little sermon in The Wilderness.
Its a good thing that I'm not a preacher because I'd be calling a LOT of people out on a LOT of things.
I hate pharisees. Just hate 'em. Always have. There's a lot of them out there.

And on that note, I'll leave you with some food for thought --

Be kinder than necessary to everyone you meet because we are all fighting a battle.

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