Thursday, January 5, 2012

Limits. I have them.

I've been thinking about this and how I'm going to approach it.
I wrote this last night. I decided to sleep on it.
Since its up here, I guess sleeping on it didn't change my mind.
I deleted some things; added a few. I tend to speak before I think at times, and that's something I'm putting an end to.

The past week, for me, has been an exercise in tolerance. Patience. Understanding. The whole "live and let live" thing.
And no, this isn't about "courage behind the keyboard". I'd say this to a person's face.
And I have. I have said it on more than one occasion.
People don't like that. They don't like hearing it.

Anymore, I pretty much just walk away from situations like this when in person. I walk away and shake my head.
Online, well, it's easier. I just make them *poof* disappear.

As I said, this has been a huge exercise in tolerance for me. I decided to give it a chance; give people a shot.
But there are still some things that make me uncomfortable.
Maybe I should be re-thinking some of the things I write. I know part of this is my responsibility.

You don't know me personally, so you don't really know where I'm coming from.
I stated things clearly without going into unnecessary detail in "Scuse Me" and I was hoping this would all turn out well. But even I have my limits.
So before anyone goes popping off at me, I suggest you go re-read that blog.

I have very strong views on bisexuals. Very.
However, its not my place to tell someone what I think about their lifestyle, because its THEIR lifestyle, not MINE.
I am gay. 100%.
No consideration given to any men. Ever.
No consideration given to any other women. Ever.
My heart is already spoken for.
And I'd tell someone to kiss my butt, in a heartbeat, if they ever assumed to tell me what they thought about MY lifestyle. And I have told people to kiss my butt and get a life.

But, that's not what I'm doing here. I'm trying to explain something. And I'm trying to do it nicely. That's a tremendous leap for me.
I know what I can and cannot tolerate. I didn't say "hate" and I didn't say "disapprove of".
I said tolerate.
Some things make me uncomfortable.
We all have our limits. You have them, too.

I also have very strong views on three-ways, swingers, and married couples/boyfriends and girlfriends who think they need a "third" to be complete.

My (ex)husband and I had a woman living with us for 4 years.
We had good times; we had bad times. It was a relationship. A weird, messed up and wrong relationship, for lack of a better word to use in public.
It ended in divorce and a one-way path to destruction.
And that's all the more detail you need.
Do I think it was a good idea? No.
Do I think it *added something* to our relationship? No.
Do I think it was a huge and twisted mistake? Yea.

I've never understood why people use the Internet in the way they do now. Just blows me away.
I don't understand what they expect to find when they advertise online for some things. A nice, wholesome, down-to-earth, decent woman is not going to go online to find a couple to have a "relationship" with.
But you will find about a million pervs. And then act shocked and disappointed when you do.

But I didn't say anything about three people living together. That would be between whomever the three consenting adults were. Not my life. Not my business.
I have no personal opinion on that regarding what others do. I only have accounts of my own experiences. Nothing more. Nothing less.
I just wouldn't suggest the Internet.

The same goes for bisexuals. I could go on for days about that. At this time, I choose not to. All it does is raise my blood pressure.
I have no idea how to even begin to approach the subject of the woman who blasted a reader about the reader's page.
But I can tell you this: I know exactly where she's coming from. Exactly. Been there. Been in that mind set.
Has anyone read her profile? She may have changed it by now. Or it may be just as it was when I read it last night.

We all have our breaking point. I've about reached mine.
I've really tried to be understanding; to be tolerant of other people's lifestyles. But if it makes me uncomfortable, it makes me uncomfortable. And that would be my problem, not yours.

Between the lesbian blasting the bisexual, and then the bisexual actually thinking she could HELP the lesbian with a broken heart, and the first official blog from someone else, outlining their search for a "third", my brain just went *pop*.
That was it. I'd reached my limit.

There is a lot I could say about the first part of that last paragraph. But I won't. It would serve no purpose.
I'm long past those days. Long past. And its none of my business.
I have other things to occupy my time, like keeping my current job and saving my house.

It's not about drama. I handled a lot more drama than this when all I blogged about was politics. A lot more.
This isn't even drama. It''s something else.

I don't care what people do to themselves anymore. I no longer need validation to know who I am.
And I don't care what other people do. I don't have control over any of that.
But I do have control over what I read.
That's why I'm posting this.

Some of the things I've been reading over the past week have really made me uncomfortable. Last night was just the last straw.
I know I've bragged about how there will always be people who won't see eye-to-eye on your views. Maybe I'm one of those people.
Maybe I'm one of those people who can't discuss the latest topics that have come up without eventually saying something that will offend someone else, or just blow my top altogether.
So instead, I will bow out.

You have all day to respond or not respond in any way you choose.
Chances are, after the responses, I won't have quite so many followers.
It's not personal. It's not a dis. It's not an attack.
Everyone in the world is free to do what they feel is best and healthy for them.
So do I.
And I have my limits.

1 comment:

  1. Well written...
    You have grown, you are stronger and it gives my heart a lift to see you express yourself and stand behind your opinions this way. I do not even know what the whole thing is about but in this I see a flicker of light that belongs to the person I met in Sept of 2007.
    Just for the record...
    I would never have or want a third. My heart and body are only to be shared with one person. U
