Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Best Laid Plans Of Mice And Men

My views continue to compile, but no comments. This means one of two things.
They are either follows i.e. members reading and at a loss for words or its you, the anonymous follower, checking up on me, making sure I'm saying nothing offensive and/or enjoying watching my public pain on the Internet.

If its the latter, I hope you enjoy your day today. Its your day off, the weather is beautiful, you should be up by now, and you've got plans, I'm sure, for you and that new special woman in your life. Nice.

Ok. That unpleasant task is out of the way.

As far as yesterday's "master plan", I did get the laundry done. Dishes are still starring me in the face and, no, no dog-washing happened yesterday. Today might me a good day for that. Getting motivated to do that will prove the hard part.

The house is opened up; there's a wonderful breeze blowing though, my medication is safe inside me, hopefully preparing to do its work, as soon I'll be interested in stepping out the door. There's a lot to get done today that I blew off yesterday.

Aside from making sure I have clean clothes for this week, I spent the larger part of the day reading. And not the usual self-improvement or spiritual books I spend too much time with.
No, lately I'm reading novels again, just like back in the day -- and loving it. I've got a long reading list compiled.

I also did a jig saw puzzle last night; finished the whole thing and covered in it Modge Podge. Remember we we used to do that? I've got a whole pile of puzzles downstairs that we did. Remember how where where going to frame them and hang them up down there so the place would look more homey? That didn't happen, either, did it?

When I'm not doing that, I'm crocheting. I have a beautiful baby blanket I made for a grandson I'll never meet finished. That was done some time ago, before he left the hospital.
I had been waiting until I saw her again so I could give it to her in person to give to him, but obviously, that day never came.
So now it sits in a box with a note explaining who its for and why I made it. Perhaps someday she will she it, perhaps not. Perhaps it will go to some other woman's baby or grand baby after the sting and rejection fades away. At any rate, it will sit there and wait.
I have another project, half finished, that was intended for her only granddaughter -- someone else I hoped to meet one day. That one, I will get to when I finish my current project. Same story on that one.

My current project, well, I'm really enjoying this one. Its for me, I think. Not sure on that one yet. Its made of the beautiful colors that I like, but that I also hope someone else will like.
It was intended for you, but since your highly mature dumping me out of the blue in text last Sunday, I'm not so sure about that now.
Maybe it will remain mine, maybe it will not. Most likely, the former.

For the moment, I will drink my coffee, finish this blog, and sit back to watch the views go up, and wonder if one of them is you.
I hope you have a wonderful day. I'm sure she's very smitten with you. You've got a lot of charm when you want to, and always get what you want.
I hope you get what you want form this one, too, before she dumps you or you get bored, see someone else, and dump her first.
Its just the truth. I know how you role. And sooner or later your pride, arrogance, and your false sense of self-importance will catch up with you.
Its not that they aren't good enough for you, my love; its that your not good enough for them.
And sooner or later you'll have to drop the act, because you can't keep running from who you really are forever.
And when you do, I will be there. I will always be there. Waiting for you.

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