Saturday, March 24, 2012

Happy Ostara! Beautiful Day!

I started the day by going to the Ostara Party thrown by my nephew and niece-in-law. They held it at the local park and it was an absolutely beautiful day!
Ostara is the celebration of the Spring Equinox -- the longest day of the year. It was actually on the 21st, but we held the party on Saturday. Turned out to be a perfect day for it.
I met a lot of people who's names I'll never remember, but that's ok.
We hid Ostara eggs for the kids and they had a great time finding them. Some of them we hid so well that the grown-ups couldn't find them.
We had the usual hot dogs, hamburgers, various salads and chips. I brought Nacho Cheese Doritos because you can never go wrong with Nacho Cheese Doritos.

I gave my sister a call to ask if she would be coming and turns out they were holding a fund raiser at her dance studio today and into the evening (She is a belly dancer). So....

Naturally, I have to go hit the fund raiser, right? I mean, all that music, more food, and beautiful belly dancers decked out to the nines.
I met some new people and saw some I hadn't seen in quite a while. It was nice. It's been too long since I've done anything like that. I've turned into one of those people you see walking down the street carrying on an entire conversation with themselves.
And that has to stop.
Like, now.
Some random guy hears the drums and wanders in off the street and sits down and starts playing the drums, too. It was a little nuts. And he was kinda good.
He drank a glass of wine and just wandered back out again. (I was drinking water all night. Well hydrated, I am. LOL).
Later into the evening we light the fire pit and move the party outside. It was such a beautiful night, how could we not?
One of the guests pointed out Jupiter, Mars, and Venus. And the moon was just a little sliver tonight; you could see the dark side. I love that.
So we're all enjoying the fire and the stars and the conversation and the random guy shows back up with four of his buddies.
I take one look at the guy with the dreadlocks and we point at each other. I said, "I know you. You're the guy who used to sell me cigarettes years ago."
I know, I know. Smoking is a nasty habit and I need to stop. But it was good to see him again, anyway. And I even remembered his name. I never remember names.
I used to call him Captain Jack Sparrow because he's a dead ringer (but Johnny Depp is much better looking). So for the rest of the night, he was "Sparrow". And he says he's the real deal. I believe him. Wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.
Around 10:30pm we start wrapping up, people are leaving, and I help my sister close up shop. All in all, it was a really great day.
I was able to experience a lot of different people today; some new ones and some I already knew. There was laughter and music and tons of food and little kids running was nice. Just really really nice.
Thank you, God for letting me wake up today. I would have hated to have missed it.

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