Sunday, March 18, 2012

In The Blink Of A Text

Friday, March 16, 2012

Me: How are you?

Her: Leave me alone. do not continue to try and make contact.

Me: Why are you doing this? baby, i love you...

Her: We are done. stop this now. it will not change. get past it. do not harass me.

Me: Who is she?

Her: Leave me the fuck alone or i will call and file a restraining order. act like an adult. Relationships fail.

Her: If u want me to get a restraining order i will. the choice is yours on if you keep harassing me.

Me: [Name], I didn't respond after last text. Why did you respond twice? i didnt text back.

Her: Any more attempts at contact will result in me filing for a restraining order.

Two weeks prior to this she was confiding in me regarding her aunt's death and wanted me to go to the memorial...
Last Sunday, I get a text saying "it's over" out of the blue. No explanation.
Now, on Friday, I received the conversation posted here. Not even a voice on the phone. Only a text.

She kept me hanging on for a year and a half.
She made me believe things would be ok.
All the while, she was searching for someone new.
Another lover.
To take my place.

Because I'm not special. Not to anyone.
Never have been. Never will be.

"Make believing we're together; that I'm sheltered by your heart.
But in the night time, I turn to water like a teardrop in your palm...."

No need for a restraining order. I'll be dead by the time you file it.
That is, unless I fail again, which seems to be my track record.
I love you....

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