Thursday, April 26, 2012


The definition of psychosis is: 'A mental condition that affects a person's sense of reality'.

As you can imagine, this took me aback for a moment.
The more I've read about this condition, the more it describes me at the moment..

God, I cannot WAIT until I stop feeling this way, and I'm not talking about the traditional 'broken heart'.

I'm talking about the belief that we are not soulmates;
That we were not destined to be together;
That the longer we are apart, the more miserable we will be;
And on and on and on....

This is what I am talking about. This 'belief', this psychosis.
The biggest thing I'm trying to do is make this 'belief' go away.

But it never will.
I already know it.


  1. Who knows the reality? None of us I guess..I also feel at times as if I suffer from some Bipolar deformity, but we are all little weird in our own ways

  2. I don't know what to call it, actually. The doctors could never put a name on it. They just throw meds at me and say, "Come back in two months". They're not much help, really.
    And, yes. We are all a little weird in our own ways.
    Thanks for the comment.
