Friday, April 13, 2012

Tell Her I Love Her....

It's hard to describe, really. It's not getting any better. Not at all.
Why is it so easy for people to believe, "she's delusional; she's obsessed; she's crazy." I mean, why is it so hard to believe that I'm fighting for love?
Why is it so easy for everyone to believe the negative? Does no one fight for love anymore?
No one??
I met the one person I'd been searching for all my life; someone who gets me; someone who loves me for who I am. And I met her. It was too good to be true. I thought I'd missed my chance. But there she was.
Evidently, it was too good to be true. Because she's through with me
At least, she says she is.
I don't think she is...
People keep telling me I need to stop holding on. I need to stop hoping.
Hoping that she will realize what a mistake she's made and contact me; come back to me.
Come back.
I know they are right, but I can't make myself do it. It's impossible. And time isn't making it better. It's getting worse.
How in the hell do I explain that to her without her threatening a protection order? How??
I don't understand. She is The One. She used to tell me, herself, that I am The One.
How can all that change in the blink of an eye? How?
One week, she's talking to me about her aunt dying....
The next week, her aunt is gone and she's talking to me about going to the memorial....
The next week, she's threatening me with a protection order if I don't leave her alone....
For a year and a half, we've been talking. Figuring things out. Telling each other, "I Love You."
And now...
It's over.
And it's easy for people to think I'm crazy.
It's easy for them because they only know what she wants them to know.
And I'm left looking--and feeling--like a fool...

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