Sunday, April 29, 2012

Stand In The Shadows And Watch

You know what bothers me?
So many views.
So many many views.
And still,
So few followers.

Just like *real life*, hu?
Everyone just stands back
And watches me self-destruct.
Just like my life has been.

The internet aint no different.
Enjoy youselves...


I fear sometimes that I won't get through this. No. Wait. That's wrong.
I fear sometimes that I know I won't get through this.
I know that I won't. That's what I fear:
The rest of my existence.

I didn't say "life", I said "existence", because that's all it will be.
I found my other half.
But fate has this ugly and cruel way of ripping the world right out from under your feet.
I want to bleed all over the Internet. I want to hemorrhage all over the page...

Sad, hu? Yea. I guess it is.
I have no friends. Not a single one.
No one to talk to; to tell.
And no one can help me. I know that.

I need to get this crazy thought out of my head that she can still help me; that she still loves me; that she still cares..
Because she doesn't. She's said so a million times.
But I won't listen, and it's driving her crazy.

So she's there, 50 miles away. Not smoking. That's good. It's been her biggest demon these past several months. I'm glad she's gotten it beat.
I had hoped she would concede to help me quit smoking, too, after she got it under control. After all, she would know what I would be going through.

But, no. She doesn't care.
It wasn't enough for me to stop drinking in order for her to take me back.
That wasn't enough because she thought I wouldn't do it.
But I did.
So she had to come up with something else.
Now, there's one I can't beat.

She's afraid of the fact that I need her; that she needs me.
She's afraid because she's found what she's been looking for in me.
We were made for each other.

She's the only who knows what that means....

Just Stop

Just stop doing this, Toni. Just please, stop.
You're pride is killing both of us.
It won't get better with time.
It will get worse.
We need to talk..

Thursday, April 26, 2012


The definition of psychosis is: 'A mental condition that affects a person's sense of reality'.

As you can imagine, this took me aback for a moment.
The more I've read about this condition, the more it describes me at the moment..

God, I cannot WAIT until I stop feeling this way, and I'm not talking about the traditional 'broken heart'.

I'm talking about the belief that we are not soulmates;
That we were not destined to be together;
That the longer we are apart, the more miserable we will be;
And on and on and on....

This is what I am talking about. This 'belief', this psychosis.
The biggest thing I'm trying to do is make this 'belief' go away.

But it never will.
I already know it.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

My God...

You have lost your mind.
Who the hell are you anymore??
Who the hell do you think you are??

I knew getting that "promotion" at work would swell your head, but, OMG. You are gone.

Fine. Fine. I'll live my live alone and lick my wounds.

YOU'RE WELCOME for spending my retirement while with you on the FALSE PROMISE that it was "ok" because we'd ALWAYS be TOGETHER and you'd TAKE CARE of me.

You, asshole.

Yes, I'm still in love with you. Yes, I still have a broken heart.
Yes, I still got CONNED by the best artist I've met so far.
And yes. Yes Yes Yes.
I would STILL take you back if you ONLY GAVE ME THE CHANCE.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Take A Good Long Look...

These have not been the ramblings of someone who is insane, delusional, or unstable.
If it were, I would not be aware of how stupid and foolish I look and sound to the world.
I would not be worried that any day she could take out a protection order against me for an email or a text.
It would not tear my heart out at how easy--how easy--it is for people to believe I'm crazy, rather than to say, "That's what true love looks like."

These are the true, heart-felt thoughts and feelings of someone who believes is true love; soulmates.
Yes, I am part of a dying breed. And yes, this is killing me. Literally.

Have you ever wondered why people refer to their significant other as their "other half"?
It's because they are their other half.

Half of me is gone; fifty miles away; close enough to still feel, not close enough to touch...
Does anyone actually get this?

Time does not heal something like this. It wasn't a fling. It wasn't just a quickie.
This was something that had been searched for, for a lifetime.
For both of us. We have testified to that.

And she ran. Because she got scared.
She called me an addiction.

So, take a good long look.
This is what dying of a broken heart looks like.
If I survive this, I will not like what I become. Neither will anyone else.
If I don't, so much the better.

Nothing I can ever say or do will convince her or anyone else that my feelings are right.
I know she feels the same way.
Because I can still feel her. I don't expect anyone else to understand that, either.

Toni, Come Back..

Dedicated To All Those Who Stuck Around No Matter What

I Love You..

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Real World - Real Life

I wonder what it's like to be the head honcho...

Straight up, what did you hope to learn about here?
If I was someone else, would this all fall apart?
Strange, where were you when we started this game?

I wish the real world would just stop hasseling me..
..and you.

Please..don't change..

A Ray Of Light...? Really??

As far as the job-front goes, things are starting to look promising.
I put in several applications at the university here a while ago. If you're familiar with Nebraska at all, you know it's all about the university, the Huskers, sports.
And if you actually live in this small city, UNL is the place to work.

I've been waiting for another call-back from a position I've had two interviews for so far. This was the call I thought I was getting today. But it wasn't.
This was a different department with UNL that I had applied for quite a while back. And it's working nights. That's when I thrive. So....

I have a new screening interview set up with them for this Friday. What luck, right? Two possible job offers from UNL. I'm on cloud nine.

This has been my foremost demon. I need a job.
That other thing, the whole broken heart thing. Well, yea, that's still hanging on and will be probably forever.
And I'll live the rest of my life alone.
I haven't ever had to deal with feelings like this.
Everyone I know thinks I'm crazy. But I know I'm not. She knows I'm not.

I won't let go. I can't.
I'll live the rest of my life alone.
And that's fine.

But right now, I'm unemployed. I can't afford to lose sight of that. But she's still in my heart.
This isn't the end of the story.
It's just a matter of time.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Another Day...

Another morning. I open my eyes. You are my first thought.

I have an interview this morning; my second interview. They called me back for a second. I really hope this works out. I need the money. I'm broke. Flat broke.

I've been thinking about the time towards the end when she accused me that all I cared about was her money, her retirement, her "net worth".

What I don't believe she realized then, or even now, is that I had no idea of her "net worth" until she told me. I didn't know what the numbers were. It never occurred to me to ask, "Hey, by the way, how much money you got?" Never crossed my mind.

I was already in love with her. I had been for a long time when this subject came up. Her money didn't mean anything to me. Money can't buy you someone to love you. But she thought that was what I wanted.

I didn't.

I wanted her.
I wanted to get old with her.

All I still want is her.

I have been diligent about trying to meet people, make friends. It takes a lot out of me. It's tiresome. I'm not really interested but I know if I don't, I'll lose what's left of my mind.

She is all I think about; all I talk about. To everyone. And I'm perceived as this poor thing with a broken heart and I'll get over it.

No, I won't.

No one gets it.

No one but her. And me. We get it. And I know that no matter what, she won't get over it; she won't forget me.

She wrote a blog about "A Work In Progress" a while back. She wrote some beautiful things in that blog. She wrote that she realized she'd been arrogant in her life much of the time. It sounded like she was changing; realizing what is really important in this life.

I know that huge changes in a person's life will make them realize these things; what's really important for their happiness; what they do and do not want.
She always told me, and wrote once, that what she really wanted was her love in her arms at night and her dog at her feet. Simple things, really. It was all I wanted, too.

And we had that. Then she took it away. She decided first that I didn't want her.
When she realized that wasn't true, she decided she didn't want me.

I'm afraid that she will never realize or care. I'm afraid I'll never hear from her again. I'm afraid her career, power, and all the choices around her will overwhelm her and she'll start lying to herself again.

I'm afraid she'll settle. She'll start searching what whatever it is she's looking for. I'm afraid she'll never realize that she already found it.
It was me. I'm still here.

I hope we both survive this long enough for her to realize it.

I'm here.
I Love You.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Only Thing Missing Is You

When I woke up this morning, the first thing I thought about was you...

It's a Saturday. This is the day you used to be home, remember?
And the weather is perfect; it's *our* weather; forecasting rain storms all day and into the night.
It's a perfect day for staying cuddled up and enjoying the thunder and lightening.
We used to sit on the front porch swing under a blanket and watch the storms.
We even went storm chasing once. God, I loved that.

Things have truly not been so good with me, hon. I keep trying, but this faking it 'til I make it thing is going absolutely nowhere with me. I know you want me to drop off the face of the earth. I'm sorry..I keep trying.

I went to my sister's studio last night for Second Friday. They do a music night and everyone brings whatever instrument they play. I brought my guitar, but even that I don't care about so much anymore. Didn't play it much. It spent most of the evening lying in it's case or was occasionally played by a couple other people.

I spent most of the night with a splitting headache and sitting in a drum circle, pounding on a drum. But it was fun. It was ok.
My sister would glance at me from time to time with this big smile on her face and this sadness behind her eyes because she knows the pain I'm in.
She's trying to help keep me afloat. Bless her heart. Don't know what I'd do without her..

Tonight they are giving a show at a local coffee house. Of course it is mandatory that I make it to that. And I'll be there.
She has given me their entire schedule and has told me that I must be at every event even if I just sit there and sip my water. I promised her I would.

So that's been my thing this weekend for Friday and Saturday night. Don't know what I'll do on Sunday. I really miss you on Sundays. Those are the worst because I know it's your only day off...and you are home...and I keep praying there is no one there to share it with you. Is that mean of me?

The day will come when you're off the Chantax and you'll be able to think clearly again. I'm waiting for that day. You'll be ok. You'll realize how crazy this has all been. You'll come back. I know you will.

No one fights for true love anymore and that's a very sad sad thing. No one believes in it; they just start up with someone else.
And if someone does fight for true love; holds on to it; they are perceived as delusional, obsessed, crazy.

Well, my love, I am not crazy. You know it and I know it.
No matter what everyone else around us thinks, you know I'm not crazy.
And so, I will continue to hold on to this. You are supposed to be off the Chantax the end of this month. And I imagine it will take a week or two for all of it to leave your system.

I just hope and pray that your ego won't stop you from contacting me. You promised you would. So I will wait.
I will wait for that just like I'm waiting for this rain storm that's coming in. The windows are open; I can hear the thunder, see the lightening. Yes. The only thing missing

is you...
I Love You

Friday, April 13, 2012

I'm The Only One..

For you.
I would walk across a fire for you.

Tell Her I Love Her....

It's hard to describe, really. It's not getting any better. Not at all.
Why is it so easy for people to believe, "she's delusional; she's obsessed; she's crazy." I mean, why is it so hard to believe that I'm fighting for love?
Why is it so easy for everyone to believe the negative? Does no one fight for love anymore?
No one??
I met the one person I'd been searching for all my life; someone who gets me; someone who loves me for who I am. And I met her. It was too good to be true. I thought I'd missed my chance. But there she was.
Evidently, it was too good to be true. Because she's through with me
At least, she says she is.
I don't think she is...
People keep telling me I need to stop holding on. I need to stop hoping.
Hoping that she will realize what a mistake she's made and contact me; come back to me.
Come back.
I know they are right, but I can't make myself do it. It's impossible. And time isn't making it better. It's getting worse.
How in the hell do I explain that to her without her threatening a protection order? How??
I don't understand. She is The One. She used to tell me, herself, that I am The One.
How can all that change in the blink of an eye? How?
One week, she's talking to me about her aunt dying....
The next week, her aunt is gone and she's talking to me about going to the memorial....
The next week, she's threatening me with a protection order if I don't leave her alone....
For a year and a half, we've been talking. Figuring things out. Telling each other, "I Love You."
And now...
It's over.
And it's easy for people to think I'm crazy.
It's easy for them because they only know what she wants them to know.
And I'm left looking--and feeling--like a fool...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Shell Shocked

I feel like I need to write something.
I sit down and face the screen; my fingers are moving and I don't know what to say.
But I will try.
It's time I talked...

Here goes nuthin.

I just got back from having coffee with a friend. I'm trying to make friends again and I have one so far. Pretty big accomplishment for me.
I've been on sort of a mental hiatus for the past 72 hours. My friend referred to me as "shell shocked", and I do believe it's probably pretty accurate at this point.

I mean, I've been feeling kind of..numb..these last three days. Sunday. Monday. Tuesday.
Perhaps the fact that I haven't eaten in that time has something to do with it, as well. I've heard that prophets and great seers fast in order to have visions. Perhaps that is what I am doing. I don't know.
I just feel numb. Shell shocked. Best way to describe it..

I don't know what great words of wisdom I have to share. None, really. Only, that life is truly not fair.
No one plays by the rules, and the trick is to just get through it the best way you know how.
That's what my friend said to me tonight as we drank our coffee and watched the people go by, "..the trick is to just get through it the best way you know how."
How true that is.

I don't feel anger anymore. No panic. No fear. No sadness. I feel nothing.
The only knowledge I've come to realize is's over. It's just over. Done.

She was cold and cruel and heartless by letting me hang on for a year and a half. This is true.
She was selfish when her aunt was dying a few weeks ago and she reached out to me. She invited me to her aunt's memorial when she passed away. I declined the offer.

I told her that in the almost five years we'd known each other, I'd only seen her parents and one of her sons, twice. And that was when we first met.

I asked her how she would introduce me to all these "strangers" when they asked who I was.
And she was silent.
That was my answer right there, although I didn't know it at the time..or refused to know it.

Needless to say, I ended up not going to the memorial. I don't even know when it was..last weekend..this weekend. No idea. And I suppose that's for the best.

What I'm doing right now, I guess, is knowing; not feeling. I think there's a difference. There seems to be, anyway.

Other than that, I don't know what to say. I suppose this could be considered a small break down of sorts. I 'spose.
But I have my pets to take care of and a new job to find, I keep taking my meds, I've made one new friend, so maybe that's what keeps me going.
I don't know.

I don't know much at the  moment.
I'll let you know if I do...

Thanks for reading. Have a good night.
~BlackRabbit aka Elizabeth

Monday, April 2, 2012

Have You Ever....

Have you ever had one of those days--that turns into one of those nights--?
You know...

One of those times when you just want to close the windows, shut the doors, unplug the phone and just shut out the world for a while, close yourself off from the world, and NOT end your life?
I'm having one of those.

If it weren't, in fact, true that in the span of four short days a little while back,
my truck broke down,
my girlfriend very unceremoniously dumped me in a text (and she told ME to act like AN ADULT) (good God)),
and I lost my job,
it would make a good country song.
But it's not a country song.
It's Real Life.

And right now, Real Life is more than I can bear.
Not "almost" more than I can bear, but actually more than I can bear at the moment.
If not for the matter of the girlfriend (I can't call her "ex" yet..) dumping me, like she's a teenager, in a text....A five-year relationship ended with a cellphone text....and then telling me I was the one who should act like an adult.....well, if not for that, I'd be ok.
But, there is that.
And I'm not ok.

I will close the blinds, turn off the outside lights, turn off my phone, go offline, take my prescribed amount of medication, and lose myself in a good movie, or two, or ten, like she used to do before she replaced me.

And, for a change, not attempt to off myself.
I suck at it anyway.
Failure at that just like everything else...

Game Over for a while, guys.